Monday, June 3, 2013

May 21st COAD Meeting Summary

May 21, 2013

Attendees: Bob Jacobson (CERT), Chalice Dew-Johnson (DEM), Kent Caitlin (DEM), Bill Aiken (MRC/CERT), Noriko Lao (ARC/Garden Street Church), Charles Law (Roosevelt Neighborhood Assoc.), Melissa Logan (ARC), Mavis Dalzell (ARC), Patrick Hurley (ARC/Downtown Bellingham Partnership), Chris Monroe (NAACR/RC),  Jonah Stinson (WWU/BTC/WCC), Janice Smith (Acme Preby. Church), Diane Miltenberger (DSHS), Mike Riber (DSHS), Natalie Chavez


COAD Introduction – Kent provided an overview of COAD for new attendees. More information is at the COAD blog:

Management of Donated Goods – Seventh-Day Adventist Church is normally involved in managing physical donations pursuant to an MOU. Locally, efforts are underway to work more closely with them. They intend to participate in the table top exercise in June. Another issue after an actual emergency is getting the word out to the public regarding donations – what is needed and not needed - usually through the Joint Information Center (JIC).

State Model of Mass Care – The state model of mass care has changed. Whereas previously resources where channeled from the federal level, to the state, to the staging area, and then to the counties, in the future the goal is for resources to be channeled directly from the federal level to the counties. The state is asking counties to establish pod sites for these items and places will be designated in each jurisdiction. Volunteers could be utilized in some capacities and training will be available for COAD members with potential volunteers interested in participating. This structure could be used by the health department as well.

Participation at Sustainable Connections Business Conference – COAD had an informational table at the opening day of the conference. The information was well received, but we learned that we need a COAD banner, possibly with a sponsor. Saturna Capital may be a possible sponsor for such a banner. The banner would hopefully make it clear what COAD is and does since the name is a bit confusing. Including a website and possibly a QR bar code may be useful.

Upcoming Safetypalooza – Unity Group is having a Safetypalooza fair for children on June 22nd, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at O’Donnell’s Bellingham Flea Market.

COAD TABLETOP EXERCISE On June 18th, in place of the regularly scheduled meeting. It will be from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Let DEM know if you are planning or wanting to participate or observe. Chalice will send the email notice to everyone since not all COAD participants received it due to the fact that they are not necessarily the organizational points of contact. Kent shared and summarized the participant situation manual and meeting attendees shared their feedback. Kent will finalize the manual based upon the feedback. Observers will likely be allowed and outsiders will be there to serve the functions of evaluator/facilitator/controller. The group agreed that it was important to have as many COAD Unit Leaders there as possible due to their importance in the COAD flow chart and their role at the EOC.  It may be useful to personally invite relevant organizations that would be involved in recovery but don’t participate typically in COAD, such as the Salvation Army.

Next Meeting: TABLE TOP EXERCISE ON JUNE 18th, 3:00-5:00 PM

Future Meetings: It was decided that the July meeting would proceed as scheduled. There will be a review of the tabletop exercise and a discussion of the COAD database and COAD contact information management.