Tuesday, April 16, 2013

March 19th COAD Meeting Summary

I.  Introductions:  In attendance were  Lauri McBeath, Chalice Dew-Johnson, Bob Jacobson, Noriko Lao, Mavis Dalzell, Natalie Chavez.

II.  All tables that were set aside for non-profits at the Spring Business Showcase were taken so COAD will not have a table at that event.

III.  Stacey/Red Cross will keep an eye out for small business events that may be of interest to COAD.

IV.  COAD will be participating at the Future of Business Conference on April 25th & 26th, which is being put on by Sustainable Connections.

April 25th is an evening event and April 26th is during the day.  COAD will be having a table on April 25th at the Downtown Depot Market Square, set-up time for COAD volunteers is 5pm. 

*Please  contact Mavis Dalzell if you are willing to volunteer a 2 hour shift at the table to hand out information about the COAD, thanks!

We will have the following at the COAD table during this event:
1.  COAD Flyer
2.  COAD Resource List
3.  Small Business Reference List
4.  Family Preparedness Booklets
5.  Red Cross Small Business Readiness Questionnaire
6.  Sample CERT preparedness kits

Chalice will follow up with getting the COAD table secured for this event.

V.  Table Top Exercise- organized by Kent Catlin

The table top will be specifically for the COAD.  We are hoping to incorporate the Volunteer Center into this table top exercise.  It is proposed to have the table top set for Tuesday June18th from 2-5pm.

Mavis will confirm the table top time at St. Luke's Health Education so that the time is secured for this exercise.

Mavis will also e-mail Mallory at Saturna so that she is invited to be part of the planning for this exercise.  Chalice, Patrick, Kent, and Mallory will be the Table Top Planning Team for this exercise.

VI.  Chalice will be drafting a letter to COAD members and to those on the COAD e-mail distribution list.  There will actually be 2 letters drafted, one about COAD communication, including the MyStateUSA profile updates twice/year for COAD member organizations.  The other letter will be specifically about the COAD Table Top in June and will stress the importance for COAD organizations to participate.  RSVP will be needed so that the Table Top Team can organize the exercise efficiently.

VII.  The WA VOAD was discussed briefly regarding extending an invite for their participation in the COAD Table Top Exercise. Their role would be as observers. 

VIII.  The April COAD Meeting is canceled due to having the COAD info table at the April 25th Business Conference.  The next COAD meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 21, 2013 at 3pm at St. Luke's - Health Education Center.