Monday, April 18, 2016

Next COAD Meeting May 17

No COAD meeting for April 2016. The next COAD meeting will be Tuesday, May 17, 2016, 12PM to 1PM at the Whatcom Unified Emergency Coordination Center. We will discuss COAD’s participation in the upcoming Cascadia Rising Catastrophic Earthquake and Tsunami Training Exercise.  Whatcom County participation days are scheduled for June 7-8, 2016.  For your references, a detailed exercise scenario document is available at

WHAT TO EXPECT DURING THE JUNE EXERCISE: Your organization can expect a telephone call during business hours simulating a request for resources that you indicate you can provide during a disaster.

QUESTIONS/NEED ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Should your organization have questions or need additional information contact Geri Chumley at

WHAT WE NEED FROM YOUR ORGANIZATION: In order to prepare for this exercise we need you to answer a poll question that was emailed to the point of contact for your organization.