Monday, November 4, 2013

October 15th COAD Meeting Summary

Oct 15, 2013

Attendees: Mavis Dalzell (Red Cross), Chalice Dew-Johnson (WCSO/WUEM), Chuck Keiper (ACS, ARES),  Kristina Glasgow (Northwest Regional Council), Hollie Moe (Whatcom Volunteer Center),  Maggie Albert (CERT, Medical Reserve Corps), Bob Jacobson (CERT), Natalie Chavez (Community Representative), Noriko Lo (Red Cross, Garden Street United Methodist Church), Charles Law (Roosevelt Neighborhood Assoc.),

Plans for 2014

·        Discussions continued for the 2014 COAD plans:
  • Chalice brought copies of the letter she drafted to send out to COAD members. Suggestions were made for changes and Chalice is going to create another draft for the approval of the group at our next meeting. 
  • Hollie agreed to be the contact for COAD members who want to schedule Preparedness Presentations for their group.
  • Both the Red Cross and CERT are willing to do the Preparedness Presentations. Groups could also have CERT trainings if they want.
  • We discussed the flyer that Mallory created about our Speaker Series. Mavis is going to discuss with her the changes that were put forth. Mavis will ask Mallory if she is willing to be the contact person for COAD members wanting to do a presentation.

New Business:

·        The suggestion was made that we might consider sponsoring a guest speaker. We decided to wait and see how much response we get from our other plans before we decide.

·        We will not have a meeting in December 2013. Mavis will book the room at the HEC for the 2014 calendar year.
Next Meeting: November 19th 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm