Tuesday, October 8, 2013

September 17th COAD Meeting Summary

September 17, 2013
Attendees: Mavis Dalzell (Red Cross), Chalice Dew-Johnson (WCSO/WUEM), Brian Lawler (ARES), Wayne Chaudiere (Whatcom Conservation District), Lawana Chapman (FCSC, Senior Center, United Church of Ferndale),  Kristina Glasgow (Northwest Regional Council), Hollie Moe (Whatcom Volunteer Center), Mallory Gravine (Saturna Capital), Maggie Albert (CERT, Medical Reserve Corps)

Plans for 2014

Possible projects for 2014:
  • Invite a COAD member each month to talk about their group, what they do, what help they could provide during a disaster, do they have preparedness plans for their group. 
  • Contact all COAD members and encourage them to recruit new groups to join COAD. We would give the COAD members talking points and direction.
  • Have a disaster preparedness education meeting twice/year – possibly using CERT and/or Red Cross to make the presentations.
  • Try a disaster preparedness outreach program to COAD members again using CERT and/or Red Cross. Whatcom Volunteer Center (RSVP) might be able to help coordinate the scheduling. We need further discussions on this to talk to all of the parties involved.
  • Mallory is going to design a flyer to cover the first 3 topics and send it to Mavis and Chalice for input. Chalice will design the letter to be sent with the flyer attached. Both the letter and flyer will be discussed at the next meeting.
  • We will try to plan 3-6 months in advance so COAD members will know what is happening at future meetings.
  • Continue to have a COAD presence at Business Seminars/Conventions to provide information on Business and Individual preparedness.

Other Business:

  • Wayne talked about the involvement of the Water Conservation District in Firewise, a national program in which people take precautions to reduce their exposure to wildfires. He is available to conduct presentations for communities at risk.
  • Lawana presented a list of all of the Churches in Ferndale with contact information available. She sent a copy to Geri Chumley.  It might be a good idea to include the list in the binder with our COAD Resources.
  • Chalice mentioned that WUEM is hosting training on Oct 16th to train managers for the Community Points of Distribution (CPOD).  Course registration deadline is Oct 10th. For more details contact Chalice at 360-676-6681.
Next Meeting: October 15, 3:00pm-4:30pm