Monday, August 6, 2012

July 17th COAD Meeting Summary

July 17, 2012

Attendees: Natalie Chavez, Marie Miller, Noriko Lao, Mavis Dalzell, Patrick Hurley, Chalice Dew-Johnson, Jonah Stinson, Russ Weston, Maggie Albert, Bill Aiken, Lawana Chapman.

Small Business Disaster Preparedness Seminar:
·        Flyer – Has been revised and will be shared for distribution.
·        Publicity – The flyer has been shared with many possible attendees and chambers of commerce in and outside of Bellingham. Sue Ellen has been in contact with Sustainable Connections, which will disseminate the flyer to its members. Sue Ellen will also inform the CRN. Kent previously said he will reach out to cattle and dairy associations. Skagit COAD and DEM will be notified by Mavis. Marie will notify the NW Business Club. Two weeks prior to the event Kent/WUEM will send media release to all local media.
·        Information booths
o       There will be approximately 15 tables for information booths. 7 tables are spoken for by ARC (2 tables), CERT, Somebody Cares, COAD, WVC, and WUEM.
o       It has not been confirmed whether Geri and Don will be able to represent COAD.
o       Mavis will contact 211 to see if they want to have a booth.
o       It was suggested that attendees could benefit from an information booth on IT preparedness issues, but the group did not know an appropriate organization to provide the information. Patrick will inquire with the Technology Alliance Group. 
o       Sue Ellen has been in contact with the WWU Center for Economic Vitality, but it was suggested that the Small Business Development Center was more appropriate. Sue Ellen will be asked to contact them. The SBDC may also be able to provide attendees with advice regarding IT preparation issues. In any event, the SBDC should receive a flyer to share with the businesses they work with.   
o       Mavis will contact the Humane Society.
o       It was also suggested that WAVOAD had an agricultural resource that could provide information to attendees on handling large animals. Noriko will check.
o       For-profit businesses will not have information booths due to the lack of space, but there will be space at one table for local merchants to advertise their relevant services. 
o       All organizations having booths will provide brief summaries of their organization/booth.
·        Refreshments – Mavis continues looking for businesses to assist with refreshments, including Costco, Haggen’s, and Cost Cutter. Marie will contact Starbucks and has confirmed water would be available from the American Legion. Russ will contact a local bakery. Natalie will contact Rocket Donuts and The Grace CafĂ©.
·        Seminar Content and Agenda: Chalice shared a draft agenda. The tentative program is as follows: A COAD representative will welcome attendees and explain COAD and how businesses can be involved (WECU is an example); WUEM will provide introductory remarks about small business preparedness and September being preparedness month; The keynote speaker will speak for about 45 minutes, followed by Q&A; A COAD representative will close the seminar with an overview of the information booths. The remainder of time before and after the presentations will be for attendees to visit the various information booths.
·        Resource List – Chalice also shared a draft resource list that will be distributed to attendees and welcomed any feedback. It was suggested that links for the WTA and PSE could be added.

Next Meeting: August 21st, 3:00pm at Health Education Center